Having never read Amy Tan but knowing her good reputation as a writer, I was disappointed with this book. There is a good story in the middle about her mother's life in China. Unfortunately, the China story is wrapped around a tiresome tale of a daughter dealing with an aging mother's decline. The daughter struggles with issues, but the reader is never really engaged in the story. It felt a little like being stuck in an airport with someone next to you explaining far more details about their life than you cared to know.
Tan has a simple and clear style of writing that makes the book easy to read. When she writes of life in China fifty ago, the contrast with our lives is interesting. I didn't enjoy reading a dozen pages about a nursing home employee explaining the benefits of modern day facilities. The main story is all too predictable and the lead character unique as a child, but one dimensional as an adult.
Hello Peter!
I googled Home is Where we Meet" and serendipitously found your lovely book blog. I'm happy I did since I have read several of the same books and enjoyed reading your reviews. They a bit similar to mine- not too long and not too highbrow- just what you honestly thought of the book. You're my first link on my blog! I'll be back to see what you're reading :)
I meant "Here is Where We Meet" of course!
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