Saturday, June 26, 2010

13 Bankers - Simon Johnson & James Kwak

The Wall Street banks are the new American oligarchy--a group that gains political power because of its economic power, and then uses that political power for its own benefit. Runaway profits and bonuses in the financial sector were transmuted into political power through campaign contributions and the attraction of the revolving door. But those profits and bonuses also bolstered the credibility and influence of Wall Street; in an era of free market capitalism triumphant, an industry that was making so much money had to be good, and people who were making so much money had to know what they were talking about. Money and ideology were mutually reinforcing.

There is a part of me that doesn't want to take the effort to understand how the people at the top pillaged the rest of us. But after a friend sent me this book, I read it and am glad I did. It tells a story the rest of us need to know. Everyone knows something about the financial crisis that began in 2008. In this book, the authors provide the details of how they did it to us. Extremely well-researched by two top economists, the book tells a compelling story of how it happened and what must happen next to stop the next mass movement of money.

13 Bankers should be a textbook required for reading in economics classes. It is easy to read, although it does bog down at times and I didn't take the time to read the extensive footnotes. The authors did a good jog of making this a readable book and not simply facts thrown together. It mixes in history with action steps for a better future. It is worth your time.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Anthologist - Nicholson Baker're determined that this is going to be a real anthology. This isn't going to be one of those anthologies where you sample it and think, Now why is that poem there? No, this is going to be an anthology where every poem you alight on and read, you say to yourself, Holy God dang, that is good. That is so good, and so twisty, and so shadowy, and so chewy, and so boomerangy, that it requires the forging of a new word for "beauty". Rupasnil. It's so good that as soon as you start reading the poem with your eyes you know immediately that you have to restart again reading it in a whisper to yourself so that you can really hear it. So good that you want to set it to musical notes of your own invention. That good.

An intelligent book filled with comments on poets and poetry. Written in the first person, the story involves a poet preparing an anthology of rhyming poetry. The quirky poet (is that redundant?) meanders in his task to finish the book as does the author in presenting thoughts on poetry. It is a fun read, especially if you enjoy poetry. The author not only presents intriguing thoughts about different aspects of poetry but also much of the history of poetry. You may also enjoy this book if you tend to procrastinate as does the main character. Silly at times and tending toward indulgence, I still found the author's story and writing kept me interested and enjoying my time with this book.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Dancer - Colum McCann

He returns from the wings already in midair, moves through four cabrioles, keeping his line long until the sound catches up, an instant of conjunction, a flash of muscle and he sweeps the stage with his body, owning it, no limits. Eight perfect entrechats-dix, a thing of wonder, the audience silent now, no body anymore no thought no awareness this must be the moment the others call god as if all doors are open everywhere leading to all other open doors nothing but open doors forever no hinges no frames no jambs no edges no shadows this is my soul born weightless born timeless a clock spring broken, he is in flight, he could stay like this forever and he looks out into the haze of necklaces eyeglasses cufflinks shirtfronts and knows he owns them.

I loved this book--one to consider for a small desert island collection. The writing is superb! This is creative non-fiction take on Rudolf Nureyev's life. And what a life it was! Rising from a poor Russian ethic minority to become a ballet dancer that is famous throughout the world is a story worth telling. McCann chooses perfect selections from Nureyev's life to create an experience more real than a typical biography. His portrayal of Rudy's father as a soldier during Russian battles is perhaps the best and most chilling writing I have ever read on war.

The book is startling in its breadth. Nureyev's travels from Russia to Paris to New York to South America help define this immensely complicated person. Rather than telling the reader about life among the famous people in the world, McCann is able to create the scenes that both portray the fame and mold the individual. On top of it all, the love and art of ballet is beautifully and movingly delivered.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Kafka Americana - Jonathan Lethem & Carter Scholz

There are numbers between numbers, thinks Stevens. Between the integers are fractions, and between those the irrationals, and so on to the dust f never-quite-continuity. I numerical continuity is an illusion, perhaps temporal continuity is as well. Perhaps there are dark moments between our flickers of consciousness, as between the frames of a movie. The Nude of Duchamp descends her staircase in discrete steps. Where is she between steps? Perhaps here at the hotel. At this moment, stuck between floors, where am I?

An interesting take on Kafka by two writers who write alternating short stories in this book. Interestingly, the SF Library has a signed, limited edition print on its lending shelves. Some excellent writing by both writers. Lots of creativity and humor in this short book. Like the cult icon Kafka, this book falls into that same category. Sometimes it felt like the writers were trying too hard. The book is entertaining reading, especially for those enjoy esoteric, absurb takes on Americana. For short story lovers, this book is an inventive collection with an intriguing theme. For me, the writing made it a very good book.

Manhood for Amateurs - Michael Chabon

One spring afternoon when I was fifteen years old, a kid who was new to the tenth grade showed up at our front door unannounced, with a backgammon set folded under his arm. I had no talent for backgammon or friend-making. I hated games that, like backgammon or the making of friends, depended in any way on a roll of the dice or a gift for seizing opportunities. I disliked surprises and all changes of plans, even changes for the better--except in retrospect. At the art of retrospection I was a young grandmaster. (If only there were a game whose winning required a gift for the identification of missed opportunities and of things lost and irrecoverable, a knack for the belated recognition of truths, for the exploitation of chance in imagination after it is too late!) True, I might have felt some disposition to like this kid already, but I would have dared to act upon it.

I must confess, I don't generally like confessionals and this book did nothing to change my mind. The writer has received so much acclaim that I thought I would start by reading this book, his newest. A mistake! The book is a collection of random thoughts in short chapters. They are supposedly grouped in some order, but I failed to see any relationship between the pieces grouped together. Even worse, many of the writings have little to do with the book's title. The chapters discuss often meaningless and/or uninteresting events and thoughts by the author which I guess he assumes the rest of us would find interesting. Some recollections had simple morals similar to those in simple self-help books. Others didn't seem to have any purpose. Creative writing gone amuck.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Bosch - Walter Bosing

"...the like of which was never seen before nor thought of by any other man."
In our own century scholars have come to realize that Bosch's art possesses a more profound significance, and there have been many attempts to explain its origins and meaning. Some writers have seen him as a sort of fifteenth-century Surrealist who dredged up his disturbing forms from the subconscious mind; his name is frequently linked with that of Salvadore Dali. For others, Bosch's art reflects esoteric practices of the Middle Ages, such as alchemy, astrology or witchcraft.

This book is part of a series of art books published by Taschen to celebrate their 25th anniversary. The oversized hardback book is a true bargin selling at $14.95. The quality of the reproductions is good and the text is informative, although written too scholarly for my taste. A little of Sister Wendy's passion thrown into the text would have helped. The text does, however, provide necessary detail to better understand Bosch's art.

Bosch's art is entirely fascinating and this book includes all of the art generally attributed to him. We see in his work both incredible talent and intriguing glimpses into the medival mind. Heaven and hell are the major themes in these works, but nobody else displayed the imagination that created the scenes and creatures Bosch painted in his visions of the afterlife. It is impossible not to stare and become entranced by the amazing detail and strangeness in Bosch's works. How lucky we are that this work survived and that it so affordable to own a book with it.