...you're determined that this is going to be a real anthology. This isn't going to be one of those anthologies where you sample it and think, Now why is that poem there? No, this is going to be an anthology where every poem you alight on and read, you say to yourself, Holy God dang, that is good. That is so good, and so twisty, and so shadowy, and so chewy, and so boomerangy, that it requires the forging of a new word for "beauty". Rupasnil. It's so good that as soon as you start reading the poem with your eyes you know immediately that you have to restart again reading it in a whisper to yourself so that you can really hear it. So good that you want to set it to musical notes of your own invention. That good.An intelligent book filled with comments on poets and poetry. Written in the first person, the story involves a poet preparing an anthology of rhyming poetry. The quirky poet (is that redundant?) meanders in his task to finish the book as does the author in presenting thoughts on poetry. It is a fun read, especially if you enjoy poetry. The author not only presents intriguing thoughts about different aspects of poetry but also much of the history of poetry. You may also enjoy this book if you tend to procrastinate as does the main character. Silly at times and tending toward indulgence, I still found the author's story and writing kept me interested and enjoying my time with this book.
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