"I'd given Eyore the definition of foot," I told her. That's what opened a passage between us and gave us a handhold on the day. The trouble is, I promised I'd define everything in this world for him. But so far "foot" is the clearest definition I've come up with and that wasn't even my own invention; it was gout that made that possible.
I love Oe's books before I read them. That's because his chapter titles are so intriguing, such as The Ghost of Flea, A Cold Babe Stands in the Furious Air, and The Soul Descends as a Falling Star to the Bone of My Heel. The chapter titles come from William Blake who influences Oe and plays a prominent part in this book.
This book continues to study his family and mentally challenged son. Subtle and powerful, it takes the reader through many dynamics of human relationships. Oe weaves writings from Blake throughout the book. The father-son relationship with a severely handicapped child is portrayed beautifully in both its complexity and pain. As the child becomes a man, the mental status of his son creates challenges most of us never experience. I think a lot about Oe's books after I finish them, which for me helps define a great book.
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